After at least 23 years in this lifetime, Ruth passed with ease and grace on June 25th, 2024. She was a wise warrior and a grateful old soul who knew she was well loved. If her pumpkin seeds were missing from her morning’s supplement bowl, she would bray and storm around the stall until she got exactly what she wanted. Her latest x-rays proved that Ruth’s deteriorating foot problems were bad, but worse were her pastern bone joints. They were misaligned in addition to being worn down to bone on bone. Our decision was clearly to end her pain without prolonging her suffering.
We will miss her and those champion ears forever.
Ace was the love of my life. He found me in 2012 and walked with me through all of my twenties. We moved through multiple states, met my husband together, and he even helped walk me down the aisle at my wedding. There were very few people he didn’t consider a friend and if you had an open lap, you better believe he would plop himself in it and nudge you until you pet him endlessly. He had a big, sassy personality and he was the bravest golden I’ve ever met. He knew when to make you laugh and how to cuddle up just right when you needed to cry into his soft coat. I will forever miss you and I love you the biggest, Ace Face.

He was an old soul, gentle, and goofy as heck. He made us laugh every day with his attitude, speed noodle comedy routines, and scared/amazed us with his insane prey drive. Like that one time he caught a bird out of the air. He would howl at any musical noise/siren/instrument which was very fun in our musical household. Sometimes it was annoying and now it feels empty without his input. We loved him so much and lost him far too soon.
Giovanni “Gio”
Gio was my soulmate pup who had essentially grown up with me – adopted him when I was 19 and from there he was with me through all those formative years. We moved I think 7 total times in the years we were together, he’d been with me through a few relationships, and was my closest company during some of the hardest and also the happiest times of my life. Losing him felt like losing a son or a brother, we were that intertwined. We explored Agility together, he had the cutest tricks like Sit Pretty and he would even backflip for a ball. He crooned when he would get excited (he was half beagle half Italian greyhound) and sometimes one ear would be up & the other down, making him look very 50/50 of each. He was hilarious, and naughty, and loving, and my children speak of him often.

She was “my little girl” for 15 glorious years. She had such a personality, and would “talk” to everyone she knew…such a sweet girl. She struggled to walk and even stand in her final days, and became frustrated and unhappy, as she couldn’t understand what had happened to her once untiring body, and old age finally caught up with her. Putting her down was the hardest thing I had ever done, because she was still as sharp as a tack, but she told me it was time and that it would be okay to let her go. I miss her so much it hurts. But I will get another dog when I’m ready, and look forward to new adventures, even though NOTHING will ever replace Flurfy. Her name comes from “a furious flurry of fluffy flakes”, born in Big Sky, MT on Columbus Day, October 13th, 2008.
Taco Mangus
My first little boy. My pride and joy. Everyone says I saved you but, we both know you saved me many of times. You was my protector, my best friend, my baby, my pride and joy, my wing man, my everything! It’s already been a year and half but theirs still not a day I want to call out to you. I miss your cuddles. I miss your happiness. I miss your bark. I miss everything! I still have your bed. Your bother lays in it and whines. I know I have mad such an impact on you but you imprinted on me. I see you in my dreams often. You still go everywhere with me. I miss you more than ever and I love you more than life it’s self. Forever loved and never ever forgotten. <3 your mama

Mrs. Marbles graced our lives for five years. We adopted her as a “senior, couch potato” cat from Heart of the Valley. Were they ever wrong! Once she started mousing, she cleaned out our neighborhood. Marbles lived on the golf course, and would eventually go up to golfers, looking for a head pet. She strengthened her hurt hip with all the running about. She was a joy to live with. In the summer, she slept under the peonies, behind the catmint she loved. That’s where her ashes will go. Rob and I miss you very much, dearest cat.
R I P our loving Fuzzy. Dad and I are going to miss you so much, we are so happy we got to enjoy your love for the last 4 years.
And got to make lots of Memories with you. We have so many memories of you. I love the one in the Motel when you thought you was the Queen,
because you got one whole side of the bed. LOL
We love you Fuzzy

Our sweet little Fainting Goat, Sam. He was not here long enough with us. We still have his twin brother Stryker, but dearly miss Sam. We loved you very much, Sam! -The Bates Family
Lucas was born in North East Oklahoma in late July of 2009. He went to his forever home with his new “mom” in November of 2009. He was a very tiny guy, weighing just around 1.25 lbs at almost 4 months. He grew up to be the most wonderful Maltese ever. He was loving, protective, playful, funny, and gave the absolute best snuffly kisses. He was a snuggly napper and had many lovely afternoons with his mama in bed. He traveled all over the U.S., as his mom was in the Army. He made many trips from Oklahoma to Montana, Texas to Montana, and finally made Montana his home the last few years. He adapted to the snow and loved to play in it. He loved to play fetch and tear up toys. He was “10 feet tall and bullet proof” and always was ready to take on the world. As hard as it was to be with you at the end, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was so important to me to make sure you weren’t alone, that you KNEW how much you were loved. Every thing feels so empty without you here Luca. Your waggly tail and little bark is missing. I miss seeing your eyes, looking at me so intently. I miss you teasing the other dogs with your treats. I miss you forever. I hope you know how much you were loved. I hope we meet again.

Ruger, Katie and I miss your sweet spirit so much! But we also know you’re running around having fun with Wyatt again, and you’re free of pain. I’m so glad you had so many adventures here! We know we’ll all be reunited again someday. I love you my Superhero.
Hannah Faith McCarthy
I just lost my precious Hannah on May 9,2019. I was only going to get one Golden Retriever from the litter where I found her. Hannah chose me so there was no way I could leave her behind. It was a lot easier raising two pups together. She had the sweetest temperament and we both became so close from early on. I still see her ears flapping when she ran. And hear her talking to me with a toy in her mouth when I first walked in the front door. She never had a litter of pups but her sister Hayley was able to. Hannah loved being around the pups and was so gentle with them. Hannah would often would walk up to her sister Hayley to give her kisses. The two sisters laid together a lot. Hannah was so special to both me and my husband. Since our dogs are our children it makes so much harder to loose them. You will be missed Hannah but never forgotten. We are so glad you were a part of our lives. RIP sweet girl. The portion of your ashes I wear around my neck; means you will never be far from my heart.

Moira “Mo”
Yesterday I lost my sweet kitty, Mo. It was her 18th birthday. I didn’t have Moira for very long- I adopted her last June- but she enriched my life in so many ways. She was the best napping buddy a girl could ask for and always made coming home from a long day enjoyable. I’ve had depression and anxiety since I can remember, but Mo made me feel loved regardless of my mental state.
She had pretty advanced kidney disease when I adopted her and it got worse over time. Eventually it’s what did her in. I loved her with my whole heart and I hope she knew how loved she was in her final months. In her last moments, she seemed so peaceful. I knew nothing would hurt her anymore. Her failing kidneys wouldn’t cause any more distress. She was finally free of any pain. I miss her. Momma loves you, sweet little Mo.
Our sweetest boy Rollie, went to heaven on 7/19/2024, it is still a heartbreaking reality. Our little guy had a very long life and will be missed the rest of our lives. He would have been 16.5 years on 7/26/24, but he didn’t make it. What did happen is a life of love, happiness and joy every day of his life. We feel he was one in a million, someday if we see eyes in another soul, we will know Rollie has made his way back to us in a new way. Until that day we grieve a precious life now gone, we are grateful for all the things he taught us and so much love from a tiny little boy a gift we hold in our hearts. Have fun, Rollie with your sister Aspen who we lost way too young. We love you both more than life.

Gaela Rose
Today we will put down our little angel, Gaela Rose. She came to us as a 2 year old rescue after being surrendered by people who only wanted her to have puppies. They kept her in a concrete floor garage and she never learned how to play, or lick faces, and was not potty trained and terrified to bark, so they must have mistreated her. We gave her much love and brought her out of her shell, but she still never wanted to play or kiss. In spite of that, she was the most loyal dog I have ever seen. She always wanted to keep an eye on you to see where you were and where you were going She has given us 7+ happy years of memories and our hearts are breaking, but we know we are doing what is best for her, but not us. We will take away her pain upon ourselves. Please pray for us. We have had a pet almost all the time we have been married. Gaela will be our last. We are too old to go through this again.
McCain “Dookie”
McCain aka “Dookie” In loving memory of McCain, our sweetest boy, who we had to say goodbye to this week. We adopted him from Heart of the Valley nearly four years ago when he was 11 years old and battling chronic illness. We knew he hadn’t had an easy life and had been in and out of shelters. From the moment he entered our lives, we promised to give him the love and care he deserved for as long as he needed. McCain quickly became the heart of our home, with his endless need for cuddles and his lovable quirks. We miss everything about him–the nick in his ear, his crooked toenails, his toothless mouth, and his absolute love of playing with strings. His gentle, affectionate nature filled every corner of our lives, and we are heartbroken by his absence. Though he is no longer with us, we are so grateful for the time we had together and the joy he brought to our lives. Rest easy, sweet Dookie. You were truly one of a kind and we’ll miss you everyday. Love, Behnaz and Josh

Wayne came to us completely unexpectedly. My kids & I were going thru a lot at the time .. and honestly, people thought I was crazy for deciding to bring home a bearded dragon in need, with all that we had going on. I thought I was crazy too! Being a single mom of three, not to mention having zero experience with bearded dragons .. I’d never even had a reptile. None the less, we knew Wayne needed us. Turned out .. Wayne came to us right when we didn’t know we needed him. 💗 Countless hours I spent researching how to properly care for him. I learned new things all the time. I’ll never forget seeing that glimmer of wonder in my kids eyes as they watched me feed him live bugs for the first time, going on all those drives on the back roads with my kids to purchase crickets, his first bath, the kids searching for dandelions for him to eat. He bonded with my daughter immediately. He would snuggle into her chest and close his eyes. We could tell he was different than other bearded dragons. We could also tell, he wasn’t completely healthy … we knew he was sick. Looking back now, at the last year of his life .. it truly brings me to tears. He really perked up that last year, it’s like he knew this was it so he better live it up. We completely re-did his entire terrarium. We would try new foods with him, and we all laughed as he tried sweet potatoe puree for the first time. His mouth was covered in baby food and I swear he was smiling ear to ear. He loved taking baths. Looking back on it I realize, caring for him was healing me. Waynard, thanks for the adventure, the laughs and the tears. Thanks for being such a trooper. I am so glad we got the privilege of loving you the last few years of your life … 💗 We will never forget you. Fly high, bud 🥹🥹🥹
My shadow Peppurr is no longer with us. We were fortunate to have DVM Jenny Muckey from Peaceful Journey visit our home on a sunny Saturday afternoon, November 12th to help us say goodbye to my little boy. He was 13, which feels very young to me. He had 13 years filled with love and companionship, always following me around the house – room to room – he never left my side for more than a minute during that time span. He would drink water from the sink while I got ready in the morning and follow me to door whenever I left the home. Peppurr had many vocalizations that I would mimic and we had long conversations talking together. He has now left the home permanently but will always be with me. Nobody can ever take away my memories and I will cherish all of the moments we had together that ended too soon. I miss his presence in my life dearly, more than I can explain. I am hopeful that if he was in pain, that pain has subsided and that he has been embraced in love by my senior three legged dog Buster and sweet JessieBelle cat somewhere beyond our understanding. For anyone else experiencing this deep felt grief, you are not alone. Our companions mean so much to us and I believe their relatively short time with us ends so that another can take their place to also have a shot at love eternal. I miss you so much Peppurr. Dance forever among the rainbows.

4/2008-11/25/2021 Foxy My dear foxy went across that rainbow bridge on Thanksgiving morning. She was born in 2008 in North Dakota and she was picked up by a friend of mine who was not able to care for her and her litter mate after a few months. They came to their forever home just at 6 months. They were sassy little demons but I loved them both. Foxy’s sister Bella passed away two years later unfortunately in 2010 but foxy carried on with pride. A month later we got a new pup named Sammi and even though they had their battles they did love each other. They enjoyed trips up the mountains together, camping, fishing and Eventually foxy became a water dog and enjoyed going into the creek for a quick cool off or a nice swim. We added our own kids which took a little bit for foxy to get used too she was more attached me then anyone else in the household. She loved hanging her head out the car window getting that fresh breeze. When her health started to decline in November I knew she was gonna leave us and on Thanksgiving Morning she passed away in her sleep peacefully. Foxy, We all miss your little sassy tude but we know your up there playing with your sister Bella. Your no longer in pain. Thank you At Home on the Range for taking extra care of her afterwards. Love you Foxy, Gary, Emilia, Aydyn, Elida and Sammi
Jethro Thomas McCarhty
11/25/2009 ~ 01/ 01/2021 Jethro Thomas McCarthy We lost our sweet boy Jethro on January 1st, 2021. It was unexpected and happened so fast that the pain was terrible. We have lost 3 Precious Golden’s starting in May 2019. We are left with Jethro’s sister Jaydin. I feel so bad for Jaydin being left alone after being raised with her Mom, Aunt & brother. I totally believe she knows what it is to mourn. We are trying to remember all the things Jethro did that made us smile. I think the hardest part is coming home the first time and Jethro wasn’t at the door to greet me. I’m unable to move the dog bed that Jethro would lay on at night beside our bed on the floor. It’s so amazing how much you can LOVE an animal. But there’s always that one hard day when you loose them. I love my pets with my heart and soul. So each time I loose one they take a portion of me with them. How I hope and Pray I see them again one day. Thanksfor being such a good boy Jethro. We’ll never forget you sweetheart. 🐾💚🐾💚

Everything seems so strange without my PEPPER here with me He was the best dog I’ve EVER had Chase them birds and rabbits PAL!
Hayley Faith McCarthy
Hayley Faith McCarthy 1/18/2006 ~ 6/21/2019 Our Sweet Hayley didn’t stay with us very long after her sister Hannah passed away. She only survived a little over a month. Her pups had her sweet disposition. Hayley loved her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal. She always chose that one over the many that were strewn throughout the house. When her health began to fail she still wanted to go outside and make the loop around the house. She was very vocal holding her head up and letting out her high pitched Bark. I’d give anything to hear that again. And she seemed to have perfect timing. Always during a good movie or whenever I was on the phone. She also loved to make sure everyone knew she was present when we had company. I can still remember her look when I came near her with her meds and water ; which had to be fresh with ice in it. It was as if her look was portraying, “It’s about time you got here”. At times some of her pups would come to the house to visit and stay the night. She really enjoyed seeing them. I knew she sensed that they were her kids. It’s so strange to have 4 dogs and then one day two of them are gone. We will never forget you Hayley. I have your Winnie on top of your ashes so it will always be yours sweetheart. At least now you are with your sister Hannah. We will NEVER forget you.

Dusty was the best dog anyone could ask for. He had many friends since he was just so happy and enthusiastic to meet everyone. Even as a puppy, he was easy to train and did not do naughty things. Dusty was very smart. There were many words we had to spell out, and we even think he learned our spelling of some words! He sure loved his babies, and was always playful at heart. Some of his favorite silly activities were hide-and-seek, and rolling on his back while we ate dinner so that we’d pay attention to him instead of our meals. Boy, did he love food! His favorites were bananas and cheddar. Dusty also liked small places and we would often look over to see him nursing on one of his babies in his fort under the dining room table. Even at 11, he was so cute and handsome. He was a very beautiful boy. Dusty always gave so much love to us, especially when we’d come home. Those were the best, and most cheerful greetings to get! He was a lover and a cuddler, and especially liked cuddling with us on our bed when given the opportunity. It is very hard carrying on without him, but he didn’t like when we were sad, so we try and keep up with our routines and to find things to be happy about. We’ll miss him forever, and will remember often all the wonderful things he brought to our lives. We love you so much, Dusty boy!
Millie unknown-4/3/2024 Millie was a pony came to our rescue from an owner surrender. When we went to pick her up, we could tell she was worse than we were told. We had the vet out in the following days, and she had severe laminitis. We tried everything to keep her maintained, some worked for a while then not, until we had to love her enough to let her go from the pain. Millie was around 8 years old and was a feisty at feed time, the girl loved her meals:-) Millie loved our volunteers to brush her and of course get some treats (sugar free). So, fly high Millie the Pill and go run without pain with others that we have lost and of course Mom/Grandma will be waiting for you with open arms.

We lost Jinx in September, we’ll remember her antics and spirit and miss her cuddles. In our hearts always💔 love you girt
RIP little toot. I love you so much and so does your dad. Thank you for years of laughs. 3 years was not enough with you little guy. Thank you for the early morning cuddles, nose boops, and kisses. We love you Karl.